Wednesday, November 28, 2007

17SurfPro celebrates one year on line

Bob Peters, the admin of 17SurfPro, has made his surf program into a great success over the last 12 months and is celebrating by giving a few much-desired options to his members. From now until 31-Dec all members may compound their earnings to save on fees and build up their upgrade level (for those already maxed out the limit is raised from $3000 to $3570). Also, during this busy holiday season when it can be hard to surf every day, all payouts will be for the full 17-day surf period even if days were missed so no one will lose earnings for any days they forget to surf. Bob's program has been extremely popular because of his policy of fast payouts ... usually the same day of ad pack expiration. These additional incentives should carry the program safely through the holiday season and into 2008.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Advertising-Surf consolidates

This program had a surf site and a separate hyip site. Since both sites paid the same return, I had joined the hyip site. Now the admin has folded the hyip site into the surf site to make a consolidated program with both a surf option and a no-surf option. However, the no-surf option now pays slightly less than the surf option. To compensate, compounding is allowed daily instead of 3 times per month (minimum $5). In addition to the 365-day plan, there are 4 new higher-roi plans that pay upon expiry (15, 30, 45, and 60 days). Deposits may be made everyday until the $40000 limit is reached, so it is possible to earn $400 per day from this program. E-gold, E-bullion, LibertyReserve, Pecunix, and V-money are accepted. The admin, Ludovic, has been making on-time payments for over 11 months.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Attractive Ads admin speaks out

Attractive Ads is a program begun in September as a re-start of Attractive Surf, a high-roi program which ran for 2 months and closed with no loss to members. It is appealing to both surfers and those who prefer hyips. The surf option pays 144% in 24 days, and the no-surf option pays 150% in 30 days. The admin, Larry, stated in a recent interview that he intends to grow the membership from its current number of 700 to "be the biggest and most reliable program in its industry." He is planning to increase the current maximum of 4 ad packs totaling $600 up to 6 ad packs for those members who wish to increase their daily earnings. To help pay the returns to his members, Larry says he has additional advertising income from outside as well as income from other programs. Other features of his program are: weekly cashout each Friday paid in 3 to 5 days, 5 payment processors, 5% referral commissions, and auto-vote.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Is SurfMargin's fast cashout option worthwhile?

SurfMargin is a profit sharing program that pays 136% per cycle but allows only one upgrade at a time. To get the full 36% profit requires waiting 7 business days for the payout, however you may pay a fee to get the payout quicker. You may opt to pay 3% to be paid in 5 business days or 5% to be paid in 3 business days. Since your profit is reduced by using these options, you may wonder if they are worthwhile. To make a comparison, let us assume that each cycle is 2 weeks. That assumption results in about 16 annual payouts for the 7 biz day option, or 18 annual payouts for the 5 biz day option, or 20 annual payouts for the 3 biz day option. If you upgraded $1000 each time, then your profits for the year would be $5760, or $5940, or $6200, respectively. Clearly, lowering your profit per cycle from 36% to 31% in order to get the payout faster is worthwhile. Of course, there are other strategies in which you can upgrade immediately while waiting for a payout which may earn more, but at a higher level of risk. It would be safe to try this once you are in profit and all upgrades are from earnings, so your risk is zero.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who's a scammer?

You don't have to read forums for long before you see accusations that an admin is a scammer or his program is a scam site. Sometimes such an accusation is true, but frequently it is only ranting by someone who was unlucky enough to lose money instead of making the hoped-for bundle of cash. So what is the difference if money is lost? Certainly, an admin who walks away from a program with a large amount of money as he had planned to do from the start is guilty of scamming his members. However, an admin who closes a program because the payouts have exceeded the income from upgrades is not a scammer but a schemer (as in pyramid scheme). As long as he kept no more than the normal 5% for running the program then he may be known as an 'honest admin' who runs an 'honest ponzi.' The fact that running a ponzi is illegal in most countries usually means nothing in cyberspace. Those who join a high-roi program should surely know that it is a ponzi and they will be among the many losers if they have joined too late. When 'too late' will occur is the unknown factor everyone who plays these games tries to determine.

There is one other type of admin that is nearly as bad as a scammer ... the one who turns a majority of his members into losers due to inexperience or incompetence. This admin is not trying to steal money from his members, but good intentions are a poor substitute for good script security and a good choice for a partner. An admin who trusts a crook to handle income or allows hackers to divert funds has really let his members down and deserves the criticism he gets, even if he is inaccurately called a scammer.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Some improvements for V-Lane Traffic

I noticed this month that my subscription for V-Lane Traffic (or more properly Mrs V's Income Portal) was renewed automatically from my cash balance without making a manual request as I had to do previously. Also, a referral commission that had been paid under a payment processor that I did not use, and was therefore inaccessible to me, has been moved to my selected payment processor cash balance. I am sure that many like me were glad to see this problem solved. Finally, today an announcement was made that AlertPay will be dropped as a payment processor. Although this may be bad news for those few who were still using it, the result should be an enhancement of operating efficiency for V-Lane Traffic. After receiving 3 months of same-day payouts, I really had no serious complaints about this program, but it is nice to see steady improvements are being made.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The best 'old' surf to join is NextDay90

Most veterans of the surf world will tell you that any program more than 75 days old is risky to join because it might be nearing the end of its life span. So why do I recommend NextDay90 which has been in operation for a year this month? There are three reasons...

1) The admin, Jim Williams, is very forthright and dedicated to keeping the program viable. He has never varied from same-day payouts for all withdrawals. He has set a goal to more than double the current membership of 1200 in the next 6 months. Since interest in ND90 has been spurred by his extremely popular new program, Executive Ads, then this goal should be easy to attain.

2) The program structure is based on profit-sharing so payouts can never get ahead of income. Of course, the daily earning only rarely gets above its usual 1% or so (it did spike to 9% recently) but the admin is adamant about maintaining the financial integrity and independence of his flagship program. He has promised never to use ND90's income to subsidize any other venture.

3) The members are protected from hit-and-run investors by a 50/50 rule that is always waived until AFTER you are already in-profit. That is, you do NOT need to upgrade in order to cashout unless you have already withdrawn more than you have deposited. I call that no-sting protection.

If you agree these are good reasons, click the title to check it out.